Saturday, April 17, 2010

I (heart) Scarlett

I love Scarlett just as much as I love drawing silhouettes! So I decided to make a silhouette of her.

I started off Googling for pictures of her, but it quickly turned into 45 minutes of drooling all over my keyboard ;)

Finally I found this picture. So beautiful! I knew I had to draw it! So I dragged it into Illustrator and started tracing it with the pen tool. After about 30 minutes of tweaking anchor points, I had this.

Then I played around with gradients trying to capture the curves. I didn't want to make the silhouette too apparent. I also wanted it to have a little paper cut feel. So I tweaked the gradients, a whole lot, and I finally had this.

Then I spent some time making the flower on her hair. This is simple. I drew one petal, duplicated it and rotated it around and created a circle of petals. Then merged it, duplicated it, scaled it. Then added drop shadow, and done!

Finally, I adjusted the colors in Photoshop and used the beautiful, free "Raleway" font made by Matt McInerney for the title.

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